Spencer Thurman
Class of 2025

Education: BS in Biological Sciences at Cal Poly; MS in Biological Sciences at Cal Poly
Spencer is interested in all aspects of stem cell research, but is particularly interested in the potential of research to transform the lives of individuals who are paraplegic or quadriplegic due to spinal cord injuries. This is particularly close to Spencer since one of his teammates and close friends on the Cal Poly track team is a paraplegic due to a mountain biking accident in the spring of 2020. Because of this, he would like to focus on how stem cells can be used to help with the regeneration of damaged spinal cords as well as their application in the restoration of neural connections. After he has completed the program, Spencer plans to dive into the research and development of treatments that ultimately bring mobility and independence back into lives of those impacted with injuries that have left them as paraplegics or quadriplegics.
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