Tony Bui
Class of 2025

Education: BS in Food and Nutrition at San Diego State University; MS in Biological Sciences at Cal Poly
Tony developed a strong interest in biology during his undergraduate studies. His interest in biological sciences revolves around the applications of the discipline to be<er understand human physiology and medicine. To sa:ate his curiosity, he started working at the University of California, San Diego – School of Medicine as an undergraduate researcher. Working under the guidance of Drs. Mariko Horii, Louise Laurent, and Mana Parast, Tony investigated disorders associated with pregnancy using stem cell models. After spending eight years in an academic research lab, Tony wishes to explore other fields within stem cell research. The Regenerative Medicine Interdisciplinary program grants Tony an opportunity to expand his experience into other topics in research and an introduction into translational applications in biotechnology. Tony plans to use the training from the program to transition into a career in biotechnology or matriculate into a doctorate program.
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