Internship Opportunities Seminar - ASCI 581
This course provides graduate students in ASCI, BMED, and BIO with opportunity to review current problems and research in the field of regenerative medicine. Students will identify current regenerative medicine research performed at laboratories associated with CIRM Bridges to Stem Cells host institutions and that is congruent with their interests. This course is designed to help students identify a specific host institution they wish to explore, become familiar with and present current research published from these laboratories, understand the patient-related clinical significance of that research, and its relevance to society as a whole.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Identify 2 CIRM host laboratories with which the student wishes to be involved
- Perform comprehensive literature review of selected topics in stem cell biology research occurring at CIRM host laboratories
- Understand the process by which a complex problem in stem cell biology is explored
- Present findings of a CIRM associated research paper in a professional manner
- Identify hypotheses, become familiar with methods, analyze results, and interpret significance of selected stem cell research
- Clearly articulate the patient-related clinical significance of the research
- Prepare a mock press release describing the relevance of the research to society at large
- Critically assess your colleague’s ability to present chosen research papers in a professional manner